I love changing up my therapy materials up from time to time to surprise my students. I really love Teachers Pay Teachers for this purpose. It helps me find randomness when I need it. I am going to share my most "random" products below, but first I wanted to share some free and easy "random" ideas that are a hit with students.

1. Trash can basketball- This one is probably the easiest to set up but it will get your students moving and engaged. Simply wod up paper into balls and place an empty trash can or bin across the room. The student will practice a target word or skill and then try to make the paper ball into the can. You can make it a competition!
2. Card bean bag toss- Spread out your favorite articulation or language cards on the floor and have the students toss bean bags (or small stuffed animals) onto them. Simple but kids really like it!
3. Flashlight Search and Find: Tape a certain number of articulation or language cards/targets around the room. Turn down the lights (be cautious of safety leave some lights on) and give the students a flashlight. Tell them to search until they found all of the cards (in the meantime practicing the skill every time they find one).
I have created what some people have called pretty "random" therapy activities. My students LOVE when I create something new like this, a little novelty goes a long way! These products are unlike anything else and are for sure going to intrigue your students. Click on any of the colored links to see them on Teachers Pay Teachers (be on the lookout for some freebie links below too)
1. Laser Pointer Companions
Click here to get the laser lights I use on Amazon (affiliate)
You can also use the little finger lights too (click here for those)
2. Googly Eyes Companions
(available in 4 different themes: faces, zoo animals, farm animals, and ocean animals)

3. Articulation and Vocabulary Toss

4 . Paper Clip Companion

I like using fun and colorful paperclips (I keep a jar of them for this activity). Click here to see the ones I use on Amazon
5. Time and Articulation Practice??

6. Smelly Markers Companion

I hope your next therapy session is random!
Also all of the Amazon products I linked are available for Prime two day shipping.