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What's In Your Cart LINKY Party! TPT Cyber Monday

Mandi SLP of Panda Speech

Thanks to Speech Room News for hosting another What's in Your Cart Liny Party! It is always fun to see what other SLPs are picking up in the sale! Click the image below to visit her page and see the other link-ups!

I have been workng hard on holiday items for my store! I didn't buy a lot last year, so I was in desperate need for products! I made a custom category to find all of my Christmas products in one place! CLICK HERE TO SEE IT!

I am VERY excited about my new Christmas interactive book sieries! I have 4 available and one comes with a BONUS No-Print Version to play on your iPad, tablet, or computer!! Click the image to see them in the 4 Book Bundle, but you can look at them each through the links in the product description!

I also have made 3 new NO-PREP language packs! These come in handy when you have little time to prep this busy holiday season!


I have also found some gems from other SLPs that I will be snagging up during the sale! Click on the images to see to it in their store!

The first on my list is Speech in a Bag by Peachie Speechie! This is a fun craft that students can do in therapy and then take home to practice over the holiday break! Genius!! I have a TON of Peachie Speechie's products (and t-shirts) and I LOVE all of them!

I also want to pick up this fun clip-art pack by Creative Clips! Character Doodle-A-Face! I am going to use them in my social skills group to identify facial expressions! Who knows I may even make a new product with them!!

Talkin' with Twang just posted a new product Themed Sounds in Syllable Practice that I want to get! She includes game boards and drill sheets too! Looks like a great way to work on articulation at the syllable level.

I am always looking at ways to enage my articulatin students. They often get so bored in therapy! I found Articulaiton Secret Codes by Kiwi Speech and it looks perfect!

I also want to grab Speech to the Core's Holiday Placemats! What a fun idea!!

So what are you going to get during the big sale??


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