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How to Use the Wooden Cookie Toy in Speech Therapy

Updated: Sep 27, 2021

I recently shared how I use the wooden pizza toy by Melissa and Doug (click here to see it), today I am going to share about the equally as enjoyable cookie set! I just love the Melissa and Dough wooden food sets, they are really engaging and perfect for speech therapy. Click here to see the cookie set on Amazon (affiliate). Keep scrolling to see how I use it with articulation students .

Here is how I set up the session:

I tell my students that they are the bakers and I am their customer. I tell them that I want them to bake me some cookies while working on their articulation words. You can have any articulation word list, app, or cards out to use as stimuli as you play with the cookie set. I, of course, pretend to eat the cookies and give them good descriptive feedback: "Those cookies were delectable." If we have time at the end of the session, I use a design your own cookie worksheet and have them design and describe their cookies. Keep scrolling to get a FREE design your own cookie worksheet at the end of this post. .

Thanks for reading! I hope you got some good ideas! Click here to get the FREE design a cookie worksheet.

I also wanted to share that I have 3 cookie themed activities in my TPT store

Artic and Vocabulary Cookies (this is my favorite one to use with this toy because it looks similar) Print AND BOOM Cards!

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