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Puppets in Speech and Language Therapy

Mandi Schaumburg

Updated: Aug 21, 2022

Do you use puppets in speech therapy? I LOVE to use them with my younger students. I wanted to share my top three easy ways I use them (+ A BONUS IDEA).

1. Asking and answering questions. If you have students working on these important language skills, mix it up and have a puppet ask them their WH questions. The student will enjoy the fun the puppet brings to the session. You can also have the students ask the puppet questions. I use "My Favorites Board" as a visual cue if I have a student really struggling with this skill. "What is your favorite color?" What is your favorite food?" Click here for a FREE favorites board sample (English and Spanish)

2. Modeling language: During play therapy, you can use a puppet to model or expand language skills for young students who have a limited vocabulary. For example, if a student picks up the cow toy and says "moo", your puppet could say "I love cows!! They say moooo!" or "The cow is hungry, feed it some hay," etc... I have found that young kids really are motivated when a puppet communicates with them!

3. Articulation: You can hand the puppet to the student and have them practice their articulation words "as the puppet." I have even used this with some older students. They thought it was hilarious. I always tell my students to make the puppet use the best speech sound possible!

BONUS! I recently stumbled upon a new AWESOME book to use in therapy "Pandas Love Pickles" This book is an ABC board book that was designed to encourage picky eaters to try new foods just like the animals in the book. I use my animal puppets and toy food with this book and it has been a great experience for my students.

I would love to hear how you use puppets in speech. Let me know in the comments below!


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